Technofeudalism. What killed capitalism

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Cena: 56,00 zł 56.00
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Yanis Varoufakis, Technofeudalism. What killed capitalism

Capitalism is dead. Welcome to technofeudalism.

In his boldest and most far-reaching book, the visionary economist and number-one bestselling author Yanis Varoufakis shows how the owners of big tech became the world's feudal overlords – replacing capitalism with a fundamentally new system that enslaves our minds, defies democracy and rewrite the rules of global power.

But as Varoufakis also reveals, technofeudalism contains new opportunities to thwart and overturn it, bringing into focus more clearly than ever the revolution we need to escape our digital prison.

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Autor Yanis Varoufakis
Wydawnictwo Vintage
Rok wydania 2024
ISBN/ISSN/EAN 9781529926095
Język Polski
Liczba stron 304
Okładka Miękka
Wymiary 197mm x 19mm x 129mm

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