Apolonia Dwurnik (1)
Biuro Literackie (2)
Bored Wolves (29)
Disastra Publishing (2)
Dobromiła Dobro (3)
Girls and Queers to the Front (5)
Ha!art (3)
Karakter (1)
Lokator (1)
OKiS (4)
Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (3)
Pogranicze (1)
słowo/obraz terytoria (1)
Staromiejski Dom Kultury (19)
Typoforge Studio (1)
Warstwy (6)
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna i Centrum Animacji Kultury (5)
Współbycie (1)
Wydawnictwo Ossolineum (7)
Wydawnictwo Wolno (2)
Fundacja Nowej Kultury Bęc Zmiana (5)
Wydawnictwo Karakter (1)
Staromiejski Dom Kultury (11)
Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (3)
Warstwy (5)
Ha!art (3)
OKiS (4)
Bored Wolves (28)
Girls and Queers to the Front (5)
Lokator (1)
Wydawnictwo Wolno (2)
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna i Centrum Animacji Kultury (5)
Współbycie (1)
Disastra Publishing (2)
Pogranicze (1)
Dobromiła Dobro (3)
Typoforge Studio (1)
Biuro Literackie (2)
Wydawnictwo Ossolineum (6)
W ofercie dystrybucyjnej
She Threw the Rope & Pulled the Lake

"She Threw the Rope & Pulled the Lake" is what happens when an adult listens to a child closely and takes her musings, observations, and inquiries seriously.
Cedar Toothpick

Nutshell poems chronicling the exploits of backwoods gamine Tomboy. Each poem is a description of a diorama through which Tomboy passes over the course of a witching hour.
Kitchen GRR92

"Kitchen" includes a painting by Maria Pomiansky of the slippered, tousled artist at work drawing a red cabbage; and a poem by Stefan Lorenzutti about his fateful decision to open a bottle of wine with a woodworking tool.
Tyrannosaurus Rest

Poems about being halfway between here and there, on highways and hiking trails; about the balm of blank billboards and overcast skies when your eyes are sore; about questing for comfort zones.
A promenade at home

"A Promenade at Home" is a meticulous cataloging of possession in all its forms. Revisiting her childhood home in Istanbul in spirit, poet Sevinç Çalhanoğlu overhears a conversation between her mother and the sentient house, their dialogue a cantillated litany of decorations past and present.
A winner of the 2021 VOLUMES (Zurich) Book Award
Sweaty Leaves

In "Sweaty Leaves", Petter Dahlström Persson’s poems alternate between mellow in-between moments with mint-colored eggs in your palm and the guttural viciousness of gulls.
The Dollmaker

Poems about quests. Quiet quests.
Poems by Stefan Lorenzutti
Great known

Poems and prose dispatches from the Beskid Wyspowy range of southern Poland are woven into an ambulatory scrapbook with an emphasis on weather and wandering.
This party of the soft things

"This Party of the Soft Things" can be described as a highly re-readable picture book for adults, with its fifty graphite drawings plotting and expanding upon Nhatt’s poem and the trek underpinning it.
Antique skies

Artist Johan Österholm’s "Antique Skies" process begins with the unsheathing of an X-Acto knife. To the horror of librarians everywhere, he carefully slits out blank or nearly blank sheets of yellowing paper (endpapers, for example) from nineteenth-century astronomy tomes, which he unearths in antiquarian bookshops across Europe and later carefully dissects in his Stockholm studio.
Mowa nienawiści

"Przeszłość łączy się tu z teraźniejszością, w ciemnej materii miasta pojawiają się znienacka prześwity, krzyk ustępuje milczeniu, a podmiejskie pejzaże zazieleniają zimny, czarny i trupi krajobraz" - Urszula Honek
Unhappy ending. Poems for the Broken/Hearted

"Unhappy Ending. Poems for the Broken/Hearted" to poetycki artbook w języku angielskim, poświęcony morfologii “złamanego serca” i towarzyszącym mu frustracjom.